
new site

Http://nthnart.com has been updated. Woo.


Finally getting off the pot and re-doing nthnart.com. Should have an actual image gallery this time! Freaking novel I know…


Looks like I can post alright but something's weird with images. Hmm.

Test post

Posting f/ nthnPhone. Fingers crossed.


don't have a heart attack

HOLY CRAP HE POSTED! Yeah, and not just words/links to other stuff, actual DRAWINGS! See? I've been doing stuff. Just too busy to scan/adjust and post. Promise I'll try and get better. :)

So, what's up with you?



This is cracking me up:

Hilarious! And a great illustrator to boot!

Ok ok. Back to it. Whatever it is right now.



da biz

Great discussions the past couple weeks:

NYT Article

Orphan Works Post

Oh, and drawings to come once I get off my ass and scan them.

How've you been?



print post

Finally got a chance to scan this stuff in. Prints from the collograph workshop I attended last month @ Daniel Smith. Totally thinking of working this technique into my illustrations. Just need a press. Anyone have $500? Best, .nthn


coming soon (i know i say that a lot...)

So. Contract's going well, but taking quite a bit of time. I'm still working out bugs in my schedule and trying to keep balance between test and illustration. Plus side: been riding the bus to and from so lots of sketching getting done, plus PRINTS are ready to be scanned and posted.

Here's hoping I get to it soon.

How are you?


major update 3/3

Alrighty! So, taxes are done. Sun came out (for a second). AND I SCANNED STUFF! WOOT.

I'm starting a contract in a bit, but I'm going to do my best not to lose momentum. Website redo is in the works and I'm really liking where things seem to be going.

land green:

major update 2/3

mole con crayons:

major update 1/3




I feel like a liar. While I do have much artwork to post, I've been slammed with a couple other projects recently. To top it off, I'm in sinus hell today and realize that I may owe the IRS a grip of money. 

So. Bear with me. Visuals are coming. Really. 



Well, it's been quite a while since a post. And I have no real explanation for that. I drew, yes, but none of it really hit me as post worthy. Let's just say February sucks to infinity. The winter beat me this year. And I'm plotting my upcoming revenge. 

That said, I did just get back from a very relaxing week in PDX with some of the best people in the universe! Much catharsis happened and I'm feeling a new clarity and optimism (complete with energy to make it so!) So, I have some sketches to post as soon as I scan them. I'm currently working on a freelance website so that's taking some time. But fear not, a post is on it's way. 

There's also been some breakthroughs in how I approach final illustrations. This is a direct result of the deep inner searching and clarity I found. Not everything's 100% figured out, but the mystery is exciting. So I'm trying to strike a pixel/paint balance and will post when I have something. 

Also, Tuesday marked Jen and I's 4th year of her putting up with me! If you were gagging along to our tweets then you probably knew this if you didn't, well, it was very chuck worthy. Love her muchogrande.

Anyway, how've you been?


bonus post

bonus post! I was looking at those hearts I drew and...


started a new moleskine. I promise these will look better as time goes on. 




My goal is to keep these posts image heavy and word light. I enjoy image heavy blogs and, really, I'm a painter not a politician so it makes sense. Having said that, I've been working through a bunch of stuff the past several months/years with my art and felt the need to expound: 

So here's a couple of experiments. Searching for "voice" and trying to find my common thread/medium/technique etc. After art school I was creating VERY different looking pieces (A google search of my name (nthnart or Nathan Brutzman) brings up a couple illos. if you're super curious.) I always felt like I was cheating my skills and not living up to my potential with that "style", so I left the illo game to work through this. Recently I've been beefing up my life drawing. Thanks in no small part to James McMullan's book and great blogs by fantastic illustrators, I'm finally feeling more comfortable with my drawing and pencil work. 

While I feel my drawing in general is on the right track I'm lost on how to finalize these concepts. I've loved mixed media and am admittedly a technique and materials junky. Searching for that magic bullet medium or combination. The one thing I'm fairly adamant about is creating as much as I can analog. No program can replace good draftsmanship and understanding of fundamentals. Period. 

Ok. Rant over. I'm going to be slogging through this and aiming to post regularly (at least every couple days.) Please feel free to use the comments. See something you like/don't? Let me know. Just wanna say hi? Why hello there! 

Thanks for looking. .nthn



ideas and technique experiments. 


sketches over the holidays '08.

Obligatory First Post

Originally I was going to program the blog into http://www.nthnart.com. Well, after saying "I'm getting to it" for a loong time I decided to go this route for now. Sketches, news etc. will be posted here and eventually integrated with my main site. Salud!